
How can you send money to India?

You can send money using bank transfers and UPI transfers.


How much will you pay to send to India?

We will simply charge a small % of the exchange rate and will not charge any extra fees at all.


How much can you send?

You can send funds up to the maximum limits permitted by our standard sending policies. To review please click here.


If you sent money to the wrong person or to the wrong number, what can you do?

Bank/UPI transfers

We cannot modify or refund bank transfers once they are processed so it's very important to make sure that the details are correct.


Tips for the recipient

Please find below some helpful information to help your recipient


How can the recipient find IFSC Code?

  • Cheque leaf: To find IFSC code of branch, the simplest way is to refer to cheque book. The full address of the branch is mentioned at the top left corner of a cheque leaf. At the end of the address, recipient will find an 11-digit code. This is your IFSC Code.
  • Passbook: Refer to the front sheet of passbook. It mentions recipient's account details, as well as branch details. They can look for the IFSC Code there.
  • RBI website: Another simple way to find out IFSC code is to refer to the official website of the Reserve Bank of India. Go to the tab for ‘IFSC codes’. Here, it is an advantage if the recipient will know the name of their branch. They can select their bank from the drop-down menu and write the name of their branch. The website will give them the IFSC Code for their branch. Don’t worry if the recipient doesn’t know the name of their branch. Once they choose their bank, the RBI furnishes a list of IFSC codes for all the branches of the bank. They can search for their branch and find the relevant IFSC code. Click here to go to the RBI website.

Bank website: Almost all banks have Branch Locator services available on their website. Receipts can visit the bank’s official website and look for the Branch Locator tool. Click on the tool and find the IFSC Code of their branch. They can locate their branch and look for the information on the branch.

While recipients can use the branch name to find the IFSC Code, they can inversely also find branch by IFSC Code. They can visit the bank’s official website to find the address and details of the bank using the IFSC Code. They can even run a simple Google search of the IFSC Code and get the address of the branch it belongs to.

How to use mobile banking applications to find UPI ID?

In the recipient mobile applications for banking, the process of finding and creating a UPI ID is as follows:

  • Recipient must first confirm the mobile number they registered.
  • The app will ask the recipient to create a 4-digit PIN after they have validated it.
  • The "My Profile" portion of the UPI app is where the recipient can find his UPI ID.
  • Yourname@bankname is the standard nomenclature for UPI IDs in bank apps.
  • Recipients can then change their UPI ID to their liking.


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