Wallet-to-wallet transfers are currently only available in selected regions and corridors.
What are wallet-to-wallet transfers?
In select regions, users with Taptap Send Wallets can now send money from their wallet to the wallet of a friend or family member.
Who can I send to?
You can send to anybody with a Taptap Send Wallet who shows up when you search for them in the app.
How do I find another Taptap Wallet to send to?
When sending a transfer from your wallet, you will now see a “Search Taptap Wallets” button. Other Taptap Send Wallets are findable in that search using a person’s phone number or Taptap Send referral code.
I need someone to send money to my wallet. How do they find my wallet in the app?
The easiest way is for them to search for you using your Taptap Send referral code. You can find and share your Taptap Send referral code with others by clicking your wallet on the home screen, and then tapping on the code near the top of the Wallet details screen.
Are there any fees for using Taptap Send wallet?
If you are sending money between two wallets of the same currency denomination, then there are no fees or charges at all for sending a wallet-to-wallet transfer.
If you are sending money from your GBP wallet to a wallet of another currency, regular Taptap Send FX rates still apply. We will display the rate clearly within the app at the time of the transfer.
How much can I send to another Taptap Send wallet?
Wallet-to-wallet transactions are capped at no more than £3000 GBP/EUR/USD in a single transaction. Additional monthly limits also apply, you will be notified within the app if your account reaches those monthly maximums.