Please find below some useful information to help your recipient cash-out money with MTN in Ghana:
Please note that your recipient doesn't necessarily need to cash out because he can use his mobile wallet to pay for goods, public transport costs and even household bills;
In order to activate the Allow Cash-Out functionality to enable him to withdraw money, he will have to dial *170#, to select option 4 to turn on “allow cash-out” and confirm “allow Cash-out” with their pin;
To cash out at the ATM, dial *170#, enter 5 for Financial Services, enter 1 for Bank Service, select 3 for ATM Cash Out, select 1 to Generate Token, enter Four-digit Secret Code, enter Amount, enter MM PIN and they will receive notification for a successful transaction
For more assistance, your recipient can call MTN Customer Service at +233244300000, send a text message to the phone number 100 or send an email at
And also, if it doesn’t work in an agency, it’s always worth trying in another one